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LEAP OFFICE ISM Full Nulled X32 Activator Zip Torrent Pc

Several years ago, I was approached by a fellow who claimed to be an entrepreneur and investor. He wanted to invest in my business and offered me a deal I could hardly refuse: he would give me US$75,000 (MYR275,000) for table stakes if I could increase the investment value of my business 10x within three years. Tentatively we shook on it and the deal went through. However, by the end of 3 years, investors had only doubled their money but he hadn’t fulfilled his promise (he told us that we would be repaid within 7 days). The other reason why this happened is because our business model was based on acquiring customers through word-of-mouth marketing. We believed in the customer and therefore, we were reluctant to use gimmicks such as sign boards or our shopfront when we went out to do targeted marketing. So when the word spread about our success in terms of quality and service, so did customers and this continued over several years without us advertising. This business is a franchising model and therefore it is run under franchising law (which is very different from Malaysian franchise law). A franchisor has the right to terminate any franchisee's rights if they fail to fulfil their obligations or if they commit a breach of contract. As the former franchisee of the company, I believe that while I may have failed to increase investment value of my business 10x within 3 years, this was due to the fact that at the time there were no plans for new outlets. Because of this, potential new customers who heard about our success in terms of quality and service did not visit or visit us often - making it impossible for any word-of-mouth marketing to take place. I am writing this letter because I wish to resolve my differences with LEAP OFFICE ISM MALAYALAM PTE LTD. For the past few months, following many months of negotiations, I am still unable to reach an agreement with them. As the former franchisee of LEAP OFFICE ISM MALAYALAM PTE LTD, I hereby request that my rights are not terminated as the negotiations are still ongoing. I have heard that you have now registered your company under the name of LEAP OFFICE ISM MALAYALAM PTE LTD and I think this is a good idea. It will save time and we can end our differences without too much trouble. I am looking forward to the outcome and hope that we can work together to make this business a success like we did. I respect the right of a company to protect its name and honour. So I would like to ask you to reply within 30 days regarding this matter. Following the termination of my rights as a former franchisee, I will send you a full statement of accounts for all funds which belong to LEAP OFFICE ISM MALAYALAM PTE LTD. I would also like you to provide me with an accurate list of all your outlets within two weeks from today. LEAP OFFICE ISM MALAYALAM PTE LTD     (Former Franchisee)     (Investor)             The next day, the investor sends his counter-declaration (i. cfa1e77820

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